Thursday, July 1, 2010

Web Site Designing Elements

WebSite Design-Critical Elements
Any web site constructed without establishing a long term plan to provide resources required for the marketing and maintaining of the web site, not to mention the requirement of generating content, may very well be consigned to some dark, uninhabited hole on the fringes of the internet, lost from the sight of man.

In order to prevent such a scenario, the web master must plan every last, seemingly insignificant detail of the web site long before any actual construction begins. Proper planning in the earliest stages can save immense heartache and wasted time later on in the life of the web site, as digging through thousands of lines of code is a daunting task for even the most experienced web designers.

Before designing the web master's new site, several questions need to be raised, asked and answered. Without addressing some or all of these key questions, the web master will very likely never succeed in his or her effort to generate profits from the web site under construction, and the site itself will simply fall into obscurity and likely require massive amounts of tedious labor to ever become a profitable venture.
First and foremost, can the web master provide content that is valuable to users? Without content of value, there is no reason for the site to exist in the first place, as no one will care to link to it, and with out links, search engines will not rank sites high enough to receive any significant traffic, leaving the web master's site without any method of generating sales or distributing content, or what ever else the end goal of the web site may actually be. This has the effect of labeling the web master's site as a non entity in the online world, barely worth the notice of the average surfer.

Generating content with value is important. But providing more valuable content than online competitors is an even more important part of the over all strategy of the web master's efforts to retain readers. Web surfers will utilize multiple sites to research their purchasing decisions, and the site with the most valuable content is generally the site that makes the eventual sale, as this would be the site perceived by visitors to have the most actual practical use and value to them. If the web master can't provide more valuable content than his or her competitor, then the web master's site will surely lose potential customers to the competing site or sites. Establishing more effective and easily accessible information should be a priority for every web master, regardless of the end goals of the site in question.

Generating the initial content is a big step, but long term success is predicated upon the web master's ability to continuously produce new content for the web site or sites under his or her authority. Since your competitors will always be struggling against you, the web master must continuously update the site with new content, always keeping in mind the importance of rich key word content that is relevant to the user's immediate needs. This constant updating encourages search engines to index the web master's sites more frequently, and has the added benefit of providing more key word rich content for the search algorithms to assimilate. Committing to a frequent schedule of updates early on will provide a much easier time of web promotion for the web master.

Prepare for success, in the eventuality that your dreams come true. What will happen when and if orders start rolling in? Having a plan in place to deal with an unexpected surge in productivity should be a top priority, as all the efforts of the web master will be for naught if whatever orders that roll in can't be filled in a timely fashion. The internet can be very unpredictable, and coming loaded for bear is a good strategy and will prepare the web master in advance of any unforeseen catastrophe or windfall. Being prepared to fill orders, ship packages, provide effective customer service and just generally not leave your customers hanging is an integral component to any web master's success.

Preparing a long term marketing strategy and following through is another essential function that the web master has to be committed to fulfilling, as even the most popular web sites can fall from the top search engine positions seemingly at a whim. These sudden changes in rankings usually occur when the search engine software or algorithms undergo a significant change or update, making it necessary for the webmaster to re-establish most or all of the core key word phrases relevant to the web site at hand. Maintaining this long term marketing approach is a daunting task, and can sometimes discourage even the most effective marketer.

If you have ever spent time just casually surfing the net, you have very likely seen and identified web sites that have eschewed these essential steps to effective web site design outlined in this article. These sites can be a fantastic resource as an example of what not to do when designing a new web site, as the more or less basic mistakes and missteps are fairly easy to identify. With some judicious effort and a lot of pre planning, these mistakes can be avoided altogether. By keeping these basic rules in mind the web master can produce high quality, effective sites that achieve the original purpose of their construction, the function of moving visitors towards the point of sale.

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